4 Tips For Cleaning Your Gutters

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4 Tips For Cleaning Your Gutters

4 Tips For Cleaning Your Gutters

7 October 2015
, Blog

Cleaning the gutters on your home's roofing system is important to ensuring that water can flow freely through them when it rains. If there are any clogs in the gutters, it can cause water to run on the side of your home and potential cause severe water damage. Here are four tips that can help you clean your gutters:

  1. Use a Hose: When you use a hose, you are easily able to clean off the loose debris that sits on top of the gutters. Be sure that you use a garden hose attachment though since this can ensure you are able to change the amount of water pressure. This will ensure you are not filling the gutters to much and causing them to overflow. You just want light water pressure that is enough to push off a great deal of the loose debris. 
  2. Use a Gutter Shovel: After hosing away the loose debris, you will want to use a gutter shovel to ensure that all the stuck dirt and grime on the gutters can be scraped away. A gutter shovel is designed to fit perfectly into the gutters, which can make this job much easier for you. Be sure that you have a plastic bag with you that you can dump the debris in. You don't want to throw it off the roof because all this grime can contain bacteria that is not healthy for your lawn. 
  3. Wear Gloves: When you are cleaning the gutters, you want to be sure that you are wearing worker's gloves. This is because of the bacteria in the gutters that you don't want to get under your nails potentially making you sick. You also don't want to end up hurting your hands because of any sharp objects that are hiding in the debris, as well. 
  4. Watch Out for Power Lines: First off, if the weather conditions are wet or there is a great deal of standing water in the area of the gutters that are close to power lines, you don't want to handle the job yourself. Instead you should hire gutter cleaning professionals or you can wait until the weather is warming or the standing water has washed away. You don't want to risk potential electrocution. You will also want to call a professional electrician and stay clear of areas near the power lines if you notice that the lines are weathered or frayed. 

By considering these four tips, you can be sure that you clean your gutters as thoroughly and safely as possible. 

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understanding new window features

When you are shopping for new windows for your home, you will read through plenty of descriptions about the features that are included with each window. Unfortunately, the terminology used to describe these features isn't always reader friendly. This blog contains explanations about the different features and translations for those not-so-simple words that are used in the product descriptions that you read. You will find several tips for finding the best windows for your home and many other pieces of advice that you can use to make this investment one that will save you money for the next several years.
