Is Heat Resistant Home Right For Your Residential Windows?

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Is Heat Resistant Home Right For Your Residential Windows?

Is Heat Resistant Home Right For Your Residential Windows?

15 June 2023
, Blog

Looking to improve your home's energy efficiency? One way to do it is through heat-resistant film, which is also called solar control film or window film. It's a thin film with an adhesive on it, which is applied directly to a window's interior surface. While it prevents heat from entering your home, it has some downsides that you may not be aware of. Know the pros and cons of heat-resistant film before you make a final decision. 

Heat Resistant Film Pros

The main advantage of heat-resistant film is pretty self-explanatory based on the name, which is to reduce the heat that gets into your home. This is done with a special coating on the film that actually reflects the solar heat gain and light from the sun. This can help your home feel comfortable, as well as cut down on your air conditioner use during the summer. 

Lower air conditioner use will result in energy efficiency as well since you'll be spending less on electricity to power your HVAC system. It's amazing how a thin piece of reflective film can make such a big difference in staying cool, all with no long-term recurring costs.

You also get the benefit of UV protection, since the ultraviolet rays from the sun will be blocked. This reduces the chance of your furniture fading that is in direct sunlight, and even protects the color of the carpeting as well. There are also glare reduction benefits, which can help reduce eye strain caused by watching television that has sunlight bounce off the screen. 

Heat Resistant Film Cons

You do need to consider the initial cost of heat-resistant film, which is based on the size of your home and how many windows you have. Thankfully, heat-resistant film is a very cost-effective solution, so it won't break the bank.

Some homeowners don't like the appearance of how heat-resistant film looks on their windows. It can produce a reflective tint on the windows that may ruin an existing aesthetic that they like. If you don't like how the film looks then it may not be for you.

There can also be challenges with installing the film on your own. You may either lack the skills or dexterity to apply the film to your windows or have windows that are hard to reach for a DIY application. You may need professional help installing the film, which will increase the overall cost.

About Me
understanding new window features

When you are shopping for new windows for your home, you will read through plenty of descriptions about the features that are included with each window. Unfortunately, the terminology used to describe these features isn't always reader friendly. This blog contains explanations about the different features and translations for those not-so-simple words that are used in the product descriptions that you read. You will find several tips for finding the best windows for your home and many other pieces of advice that you can use to make this investment one that will save you money for the next several years.
